“This Week In Money” is a weekly show breaking down the top headlines in money, biz, and culture. The seriously not-so-serious, rapid-fire recap is hosted by Bullish CEO Brian Hanly, Equity Animal CEO Mark Moran, and NYC comedienne Serena Shahidi. It's the fast-paced, witty, and hilarious show you didn't know you needed!

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The Trolls of Wall Street with Author Nathaniel Popper | Bullish Studio Podcast
What happens when online communities wield more power than Wall Street titans? In an all new episode of the Bullish Studio Podcast, Bullish Studio CEO Brian Hanly sits down with journalist Nathan Popper to explore how digital disruptors are shaking up the financial markets like never before – straight from the guy who's been on the front lines of finance and tech. In his latest book – "Trolls of Wall Street” – Nathan explores the wild world of online retail investing communities and their impact on the financial markets — becoming powerful forces that can move markets and shape financial landscapes in ways we've never seen before. In this episode, Nathan gives us a behind the scenes look into the making of his latest book – revealing the dynamics of these online communities, their influence on Wall Street, the implications for investors, regulators & both traditional financial and political institutions alike, and what he sees as the future of finance in the digital age. TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 - Intro 01:37 - Nathan's background and "The Trolls of Wall Street" origin story 03:40 - Nathan explains what exactly a Troll of Wall Street™️ is 07:10 - The rise of retail investors 09:45 - Educating ourselves on investing, the markets, and risk 11:33 - Brian explains his investing journey to Nathan 15:00 - Behind the scenes of Wall Street Bets 15:54 - How Donald Trump and WSB became intertwined 18:36 - The Winklevoss twins 19:45 - The politicization of crypto 22:04 - Representation of online retail investing communities 26:00 - Transparency in Wall Street 28:47 - Does Nathan own crypto? 30:09 - Has reporting on these communities changed the way he invests? 32:02 - AI, volatility, and betting on the future 32:41 - Where to purchase his new book: "The Trolls of Wall Street" 33:20 - Is this GameStop story really over? 34:32 - Outro -- About Bullish Studio: Bullish Studio is a digital advertising agency and content studio passionate about business, investing, and culture. About This Week In Money: “This Week In Money” is a seriously not-so-serious weekly show breaking down the top headlines in money, biz, and culture, hosted by Brian Hanly and Mark Moran. More This Week In Money: https://www.bullishstudio.com/this-week-in-money Partner: https://bullishstudio.typeform.com/getintouch Follow us: https://www.bullishstudio.com/ https://twitter.com/BullishStudio https://www.instagram.com/bullish/

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