“This Week In Money” is a weekly show breaking down the top headlines in money, biz, and culture. The seriously not-so-serious, rapid-fire recap is hosted by Bullish CEO Brian Hanly, Equity Animal CEO Mark Moran, and NYC comedienne Serena Shahidi. It's the fast-paced, witty, and hilarious show you didn't know you needed!

7 months ago
The Trolls of Wall Street: Explained
About Bullish Studio: Bullish Studio is a digital advertising agency and content studio passionate about business, investing, and culture. About This Week In Money: “This Week In Money” is a seriously not-so-serious weekly show breaking down the top headlines in money, biz, and culture, hosted by Brian Hanly and Mark Moran. More This Week In Money: https://www.bullishstudio.com/this-week-in-money Partner: https://bullishstudio.typeform.com/getintouch Follow us: https://www.bullishstudio.com/ https://twitter.com/BullishStudio https://www.instagram.com/bullish/

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